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Community Involvement for Improvements

By Marie Mower
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The Grant Park Parent’s Network (GPPN) welcomes neighborhood families to join age-specific playgroups and invites families to several events this year. Find information on the website at:
There is a special interest in safety in and around the neighborhood. Many residents are members of the Grant Park Security Patrol and GPPN encourages all families in Grant Park to join. It is a valuable security service provided through membership fees. March 19th the community will hear from APS Director of School Safety during the Grant Park Neighborhood Association Meeting.
Learn about school security practices and the benefits of School Resource Officers on school grounds. Another place of safety concern is the park. Residents had a great time strolling with lanterns during the Grant Park Conservancy’s Halloween parade, but it was incredibly dark. GPC reports that the Department of Parks and Recreation will finalize a lighting assessment soon.
Will Grant Park receive improvements to lighting? If it is important to you, please send an email to the Office of Parks Director, Doug Voss, with a subject line, “improve Grant Park lighting” ( or call him at 404-546-6742.  Next, become a member of the GPC to show support to push for a better park. Resident David Dryer is the new GPC chair and many local residents have joined the board. GPPN will be partnering with GPC to bring more family activities to Grant Park. Join via the website at:
Here is something very easy everyone can do to help our schools: look for specially marked items with the school box top logo and labels for education. Cut them out, collect them, and give them, because each one has monetary value to a school. Many families with young children are not attending school yet, but please begin helping schools now. In fact, GPPN wants people without children to help too.
Everyone wins when neighborhood schools receive supplemental funds for school supplies. They will be collected at any activity GPPN is hosting, at GPNA monthly meetings, and every Sunday during the Farmer’s Market. GPPN will divide between schools in the Grant Park neighborhood. You can also take them directly to a school.
Have you been to Ormond-Grant Park? Have you heard of it? There is an official “Friends of Ormond-Grant Park” forming to bring attention to this little green jewel. The GPNA parks committee is applying for a $25,000 grant at this time. The Friends group needs volunteers to spearhead obtaining improvements to this park. GPPN supports the installation of swings, toddler appropriate play equipment, benches, and picnic tables. If you can help please contact Robert Greenage at GPNA or email: Please contact Marie Mower with any questions or concerns with the information within at: Join her at the GPNA monthly meetings every third Tuesday at 7:30pm.
Photo:  Park Playground.jpeg
Credit:  Marie Mower

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