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EACA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Call to order/Start meeting recording – 7:00pm. August 13, 2024 meeting minutes approved without dissent. August 2024 treasurer’s report Approved without dissent.

Elected Officials’ Reports: Council Member Bakhtiari’s office – Thanks to Matt Day and friends group for all they’ve been doing with the park. Thanks to Nancy Hennessey for making a list of trash cans that need replacement parts in the Village. Bakhtiari got a grant that will allow the GA Works crew to do more deep cleaning like pressure washing, etc. Thanks also to Myron Polster for helping with public safety issues.

Public Safety Update: Zone 6 Update, Lt. Godwin – Violent crimes down in the last 30 days, but auto break-ins are up. A number of the affected cars were unlocked and others had valuables left in the open. 

Land Use and Zoning Update: Grant Dollar, Jenny Murray – Non-voting items (awareness only): 872 Cavanaugh Avenue – Special Administrative Permit (SAP) (Location of Eastside Swim and Social Club), Application # SAP-24-174, Summary: Applicant requests for approval to construct a dumpster enclosure (behind fence), ramp to swimming pool on adjoining parcel (0 Cavanaugh) and three parking spaces in front of building. Context: Additional information provided by the City Office of Zoning and Development: City is requesting additional information prior to approval of SAP (i.e. proof of parcel consolidation, updated project summary to reflect new business, revised site plan, floor plan, elevations, retroactive review and approval of construction since purchase.) SAP to be conditional on consolidation of parcels. SAP public hearing process to begin on 10/24 (12:00pm, City Hall). How to stay up to date: The SAP and any input from the community will be discussed in detail during the September 30 EACA LUZ Committee meeting. See for invite details. Following that meeting, comments will be formally submitted to OZD. DeKalb County Parcel Annexation, Application # SAP-24-203 (no files received, yet), Summary: Request to move 54 parcels from DeKalb County to City of Atlanta with similar zoning (MR-1, C-1, R-4). Originated by Derrick Montgomery, resident of Brighton Village. To be discussed in detail during September 30 EACA LUZ Committee meeting. See for invite details. Cru Lounge attorney DeWayne Martin thought the application for Cru’s alcohol license was to be on our agenda. The city did not send that to Public Safety, so consequently it didn’t make it to the EACA agenda. Cru East Atlanta is restaurant and part of a franchise. It also has a full bar and will serve dinner and operate seven days a week, with more than 50 seats. It will be 21 and over because it also will sell tobacco. Cru is in the former Happy Donuts space at McPherson and Flat Shoals. EACA voted to defer this so it can go through committee and then come back to EACA next month.

Parks Update: Matt Day and Alex Levy – Brownwood Park – Park Pavilion Update. Plans submitted to Structural Engineering and will apply for permits once finalized. Pickleball Lines: Received permission from Park Design to move forward with addition of Pickleball lines to one court by ArtinthePaint as soon as possible. Invasive Species Project Update (Alex): Met with the city Arborist about invasive species in Brownwood Park, and the city plans to bring in Ed Castro Landscape for consultation on south end, while encouraging the Friends Group to focus on removing chaff flower from the community garden/north end. Woodskeeper was recommended for long-term vegetation management if funding allows. A similar assessment walk-through is planned for Ormewood Forest Preserve, potentially as early as next month. Community Garden Work Day at Brownwood Park scheduled for 9/21 9:00am. Details on EACA Calendar. Ormewood Forest (Bill Gould) – DPR provided a survey of the Ormewood Forest showing the area that will be natural area/park in red. The gray is an easement that we have provided to the developer to access the new homes. Will continue to stay on top of the county to update official parcel number/address in GIS. Created an official Friends Group with Park Pride for Ormewood Forest. Skyhaven Park (Holly) – At a meeting with the incoming DeKalb CEO, COO, School Board District 3 co-chair, superintendent, and parks director, it was confirmed that Skyhaven Park will remain under school district ownership, with plans for the Parks Department to manage it as greenspace, pending approval of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) and memorandum of understanding (MOU). Although nothing is final, the school board is not planning to sell the property. Once the IGA and MOU are in place, and assuming approval from the board of commissioners and the CEO, the Parks Department will create and maintain the park. The lease terms are not yet determined. A community visioning process, expected to begin after the IGA’s completion (targeted for October), will involve Park Pride to establish a “Friends of the Park” group. DeKalb Parks Director Ellis also noted that the county receives two free Park Pride Visioning Plans annually and suggested submitting Skyhaven as a candidate for 2025.

Transportation Update: Zach Kosub – Update on the I-20/Moreland Interchange project – more than 20 emails were sent after last month’s meeting, and Bakhtiari and Rep. Saira Draper are taking up the issue with the Georgia Department of Transportation. Other key updates – There is a map of proposed trails to go through the neighborhood. Next meeting September 26.

Announcements/Community Updates

Laken from Stop Cop City. There will be a demonstration at City Hall on September 16 at 11:00am to note the petition to vote on the issue has still not been acted on.

East Atlanta Strut: Saturday, September 28 – Volunteers Go here: and money still needed. Donate here and win a prize:

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