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SAND Meeting Minutes – Thursday, April 11, 2024

Opening remarks.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm, and voting rights were reviewed.

City / State / School / Other Elected Officials

APD Update – Sgt. Savannah Berry: Vehicle theft continues to be the primary crime. Free steering wheel sticks for Kia and Hyundai owners are available. “Keep the Car Clean” Campaign was highlighted.

Congresswoman Nikema Williams Update – Jennifer Freeman: USPS delays are a top priority and are being investigated. 2024 Community Impact grant applications are being accepted. Art competition deadline is April 19.


Beautification: Successful Custer Avenue Clean Up. Thank you to all who participated! Ben Braxley (Woodland Hills representative) – Cleanup Saturday April 6 was successful! Hope to repeat along Custer and Moreland in the future. Beautification/ Treasurer – Progress update and Financial Agreement with Urban Farm Ormewood (UFO)/Progress on financial agreement for Red’s Farm / Urban Farm Ormewood. Working on 501(c)3 status for UFO and discussing establishing a board. 

Elections –Social Chair: Sydney Sevdalis has volunteered to serve as Social Chair for SAND. She was approved without objection. Social – Call for volunteers for Ormewood Park Makers Festival May 17 through 21 and update. Need to fill some volunteer positions. Needs on website at > Volunteers header > link to available volunteer jobs and time requirements. General – Update on SAND candidate forum. To be hosted for State of Georgia Senate 36 and Fulton County Commissioner for District 4. April 25 at 7:30-9pm at Ormewood Park Church sanctuary (only in person). Non-partisan host to ask questions. (Event was subsequently canceled.)

Transportation: 1-20/ Bill Kennedy Exit Ramp update – Meetings organized by Ken Boff and Nan Orrock on Bill Kennedy Way access point (I-20 exit ramp leads into homes). Meeting with GDOT and Atlanta BeltLine staff. Reflective strips of arrows along the BeltLine. Three rumble strips on exit ramp; placement TBD because ramp is busy. Red circle /yellow arrows/green arrows Instead of normal traffic signals at the top of the exit will make signage larger. Potentially install new, larger barriers.

Land use and Zoning: Z-24-15 – 1051 Moreland Drive application presentation and discussion. NOT FOR A VOTE. Application deferred at March NPU-W LUZ meeting. Application deferred until April NPU-W Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting. Significant discussion and requests for additional information from the developer representative. Land use and Zoning – 740 Moreland Avenue update: Application withdrawn by applicant. Land Use and Zoning – MSD-24-11 1163 Morley Avenue: Antonio Gutierrez – Application presentation for review and comment only. Applicant not present. Matters for Voting: 4 West ATL – 381 Moreland Avenue – Alcohol License Application (LRB) – Applicant Terry A. Berry (restaurant) – Motion to approve passed with no objections.

Approval of minutes from March meeting: Correction for meeting date of Transportation Committee from April6  to April 10. Motion to approve amended notes passed without objection.

Conclusions and closing remarks.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37pm.

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