By: Chase Miller, EACA President

On Monday, January 16, EACA (East Atlanta Community Association) hosted its annual “Day of Service” in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. There were three volunteer events across East Atlanta. Over 30 neighbors cleaned yards, raked leaves, organized books, and hosted breakfast for Branan Towers seniors. Some highlights included helping clean up the yard of a 93-year-old resident who still runs errands in her red Ford Mustang, having breakfast with a Branan Towers resident who marched with Dr. King here in Atlanta, and filling up over 40 brown lawn bags full of leaves and compost.
After the volunteer events, Day of Service participants gathered at Midway Pub for snacks and drinks and a short program. Victor Thomas, EACA President Emeritus (2022), delivered a compelling message about what service means to him. He also reflected on earlier days when, together with friends and neighbors, he marched and fought for the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to be recognized as a federal holiday. Lastly, he reminded the group of the importance of being there for your neighbor, helping the person who just needs a little smile, or a hand, or a word of encouragement, or a song to help them get through their day. Victor ended by quoting one of his favorite hymns “If I Can Help Somebody” by Mahalia Jackson.
Following Vic’s words, Sherri McCoy, of Blessing Bags of Warmth, shared an overview of what her organization does to provide food, clothing, sleeping bags, and other essential items to the unhoused or in-need members of the community. She also provided tips on how best to donate (e.g., what items to bring or not to bring). Following Sherri’s talk, Rebecca Kern presented her with a surprise grant from the East Atlanta Strut worth over $6,000 to support her organization’s work. Sherri–and most of the crowd–was moved to tears. It was a perfect cap to an inspiring day about service and taking care of each other. You can read more about Sherri’s work at
Many thanks to the volunteers who turned out to give back. And a special thank you to the EACA planning committee including Stephanie Parker, Amy Miller, Michelle Rice, Lisa Miscio, and Jeremy Hay.
“If I Can Help Somebody” by Mahalia Jackson
If I can help somebody, as I travel along
If I can help somebody, with a word or song
If I can help somebody, from doing wrong
No, my living shall not be in vain
No, my living shall not be in vain
No, my living shall not be in vain
If I can help somebody, as I’m singing the song
You know, my living shall not be in vain